After the restoration of democracy, with the beginning of economic liberalization, facing challenges during the establishment of various industries and businesses, in view of the increasing population growth and the awareness of health among them, some leading doctors including senior surgeon Dr. After Anjani Kumar Sharma established Annapurna Nursing Home and inspired Nepali people to devote themselves to health care services from a private level, the desire for high-quality health in the public mind grew due to the growing awareness of their diseases and health treatment. was insufficient. In this situation, in the spirit of an expert doctor who has returned from studying abroad or who has retired, serving the country and doing what he wants to do, the senior doctor, Dr. Lok Bikram Thapa (Himal Hospital)  Dr.Lohani Dr. Ram Prasad Pokharel Everest Nursing Home Dr.Bhola Rijal established (Om Hospital) and established a private health institution in Nepal and put it into operation.

In a challenging environment, within 1 year of the operation of private health institutions by doctors, private health institutions opened in other places were able to provide quality health services to the citizens of the country with a capacity of about 700 beds. When the state was in full force, there were 4500 beds across the country. At that time, the private sector also helped the state.

Meanwhile, Dr.Ashok Baskota, Dr.Jagdish lal Vaidya, Late Dr Upendra Devkota, Dr. Sachhe kumar Pahari industrialist Basant Kumar Chaudhary with the involvement of B.A 48 DV. With the establishment of nursing homes like Norvic, trusting in the treatment from Nepali and foreign countries, they appreciate the reliability of Nepals quality health services and help private health institutions to move forward. Through this, we were able to experience international level service facilities in Nepal.

Having doctors here who can provide skilled medical level services and having modern equipment will end the problem of going abroad and waiting for turn. To solve such problems, if government hospitals get the same facilities at concessional rates and if the state supports private health institutions that are in financial crisis, it will be possible to provide high-quality and accessible health services to the common people in the country and provide employment to many human resources. Therefore, considering that it is necessary for all private health institutions to take these various facilities from anybody to protect their rights, our problems are to keep our rights and interests. was not Rather than envisioning an institution, it was the duty of the elders to regulate the private health institutions that were opened as well as its duty to provide quality health care to the citizens. The state alone could not provide standard services without private health institutions. The participation of the private sector was essential. Due to the efforts made by the private sector and the state in quality healthcare, the common people in the country got quality healthcare to some extent. But the state did not provide any support to private health institutions. On the one hand, patients were being attracted to private health institutions, while on the other hand, due to lack of funds, the institutions opened by the private level were not able to bring modern medical equipment and machinery. Due to which it was difficult to treat the patients. In such a situation, simplification in the registration process of private health institutions, equipment reduction, tax on the disposal of goods, income tax, exemption from sales tax, concessions on water and electricity tariffs, services provided by the service industry, such as telephone, etc. Dr. Anjani Kumar Sharma himself envisioned an organization. Dr. Lok bikram Thapa,  Dr. Ram prasad pokhrel. Dr. Bhola Rijal, Mr. Vinay Giri etc. Under the chairmanship of Dr.Anjani Kumar Sharma, an organization called Nepal Nursing Home Association was established and the first organization was established as an organization of private health organizations in Nepal.

Vice President in the organization. Dr. Bhola Rijal, Secretary Dr. Santosh Sharma, Joint Secretary Vinay Giri, Secretary Rudra Narayan Dangol, Members Dr. Ramesh Chankhani Thapa, Om Ghimire . A committee was formed with senior figures like Dr.Amatya and Malla. However, after the establishment of the organization, there was no work due to the busy doctors time and the lack of people to help them, but the organization never failed to make the organization active by organizing some programs from time to time and demanding the solution of their problems from the state. During this term, the state made a policy to bring ambulances on the recommendation of the association. After this, gradually the opening of private hospitals, nursing homes, medical colleges etc. in various places across the country continued, but the association relaxed again. The organization that was established at that time started keeping its own problems and the organization remained in the shadows behind the scenes due to lack of time and lack of manpower.

Due to lack of necessary resources in the country, general health services are not available and 95 percent of the experts working in the health sector knowing that it is a service business opened a private organization dedicated to the health care services of Nepalese. Since the problems that have arisen are of the Jews, to solve the problems of those private health institutions, there was no other option but to pressure and support the state by envisioning a large organization including medical colleges. Everyone agreed on this and for that purpose in the year 2055, Dr. Association of Private Health Institutions of Nepal was re-established under the chairmanship of Dr.Bhola Rijal. In which the vice president Dr. N.G. Amatya, General Secretary Bishnu Subedi, Joint Secretary Suresh Satyal, Treasurer Mohan Bikram Silwal formed an ad hoc committee of Manraja Dangol with the aim of protecting their rights and made a statute of Aphin with the aim of protecting their rights.

After the establishment and registration of the institution, senior gynecologist Dr. The working committee under the leadership of Dr. Bhola Rijal had an office in Naxal and the then general secretary Bishnu Subedi himself handled the work of the office and the working committee. Gashethi and other P.M. The importance given to this institution by the Minister of Health and the Minister of Finance also led to the recognition of this institution as one of the best health institutions in the country. From a few years after the establishment of the organization until 2063, it was clear that the organization remained in the shadow due to the busy work of the officials of the working committee. After the change of 2063 peoples movement, the political problems that came to private health institutions increased between the state and private health institutions, due to the increased disagreement between the state and private health institutions, to solve other problems from the past including the tax VAT imposed by the state on private health institutions, the private health institutions felt that they should unite and move forward through Aphin. In the working committee meeting, it was decided to keep the office in the hospital and to keep the office secretary on a part-time basis. After that decision, Mani raj Paudel, a law student who was doing journalism as the first employee of Aphin from 2063 Marg, was kept part-time as an office secretary with a salary of 2500.

The appointed office secretary started working as the office secretary after the appointment. First, the documents of Aphin, which were in June, including some hospital files and organization registration certificate photocopies and old receipt pads, were brought to the hospital and the first meeting was held by Professor Dr. Anjani kumar Sharma, Prof.Dr.Lok Bikram Thapa Dr. Bhola Rijal Dr. Upendra Devkota Dr. Dr. Shatish Bajaj Bhola Rijal Dr. Working committee meeting with the participation of Ram Prasad Pokhrel Vinay Giri started the formal meeting of Basali Aphin Secretariat. In order to find the full copy of the statutory registration certificate of the organization, it was brought from the office. Convincing the hospitals based on the receipts found, making new members, working committee meetings of Aphin sitting at different times, starting to do things about the hospital members who are members, putting problems to the government from time to time to strengthen this organization, interacting national gatherings, general meetings, first general meeting after 062 years and The election was held in 2066.

In which Dr. Bhola Rijal was elected president unopposed. During the tenure of the working committee, some new members arrived. At that time, together with the effort of unity among the health institutions, Aphin could show its interest in many places with the state. Due to lack of time in 068, Aphin published his souvenir in this general meeting. The coordinator of the June souvenir publication committee is Prof.Dr., president of Neuro Hospital. Madhu Devkota became Mannate. In which Dr. Under the chairmanship of Bhola Rijal, this working committee, as its first task, rented its office from Om Hospital in Tinkune and set up a three-room office with a meeting room, in which the then Senior Vice President Basant Chowdhury provided special support including furniture. At the end of the tenure of this working committee, it was decided to appoint an assistant and an office assistant in the office.

In 2070, Aphins then Vice President Kumar Thapa and General Secretary Gopikrishna Neupane visited Biratnagar, Butwal, Chitwan and made some members. On 12-13 May 2071, 107 organizations joined and actively participated in the election. In the June election, the then president Dr. Bhoal Rijaljeu proposed the president of Norvik Hospital and senior writer Basant Chaudhary as the president of Aphin for the unopposed president, while the common candidate from Pokhara Chitwan for general secretary was Dr. Padam Khadka and the then general secretary Gopikrishna Neupanes candidature. At the request of the then Senior Vice President Basant Chaudhary, Dr. After Padam Khadka withdrew his candidacy for Secretary General and supported the then Gopi Krishna, the election was completed uncontested. This time, for the first time since the establishment of Aphin, a female candidate was also elected, so a working committee including women was formed. (Prior to this, Dr. Pingala Amatya was also in the working committee on 2055.11.29.) In the general assembly, a 23-member working committee was elected unopposed under the chairmanship of Vasant Choudhary, in which the president since its inception, Dr. Bhola Rijal was elected unopposed as the Emirate President as an honorable post, and a 25-member working committee was formed after passing the constitutional amendment with provisions to nominate 6 vice-presidents and two members, five from five regions and one from the center. Thus Dr. Anjani Kumar Sharmas Nepal Nursing Home Association from Dr. By the tenure of Bhola Rijal and Basant Chaudhary, 128 hospitals across the country have become members until this historical framework is made. At the time General Secretary Vishnu Subedi Vinay Giri Gopi krishna Neupane Dr. Message G.C. And Aphin cannot forget Mani raj Paudels contribution.

Note: I have made it based on the information as much as possible from old papers. (Mani Paudel)

Aphin Actor

Dr. Bhola Rijal

Dr. Ram Prashad Pokhrel

Dr. Lok Bikram Thapa

Dr Dhrub Sharma Mudbhari

Focal Person

Mani Raj Paudel
Focal Person

Aphin in Media
